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Brandani, C.B.; Lee, M.; Auvermann, B.W.; Parker, D.B.; Casey, K.D.; Crosman, E.T.; Gouvêa, V.N.; Beck, M.R.; Bush, K.J.; Koziel, J.A.; et al. Mitigating Ammonia Deposition Derived from Open-Lot Livestock Facilities into Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park: State of the Science. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 1469.
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Brandani, C.B.; Lee, M.; Auvermann, B.W.; Parker, D.B.; Casey, K.D.; Crosman, E.T.; Gouvêa, V.N.; Beck, M.R.; Bush, K.J.; Koziel, J.A.; et al. Mitigating Ammonia Deposition Derived from Open-Lot Livestock Facilities into Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park: State of the Science. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 1469.
Colaizzi, P.D., O’Shaughnessy, S.A., Evett, S.R., Marek, G.W., Brauer, D.K., Copeland, K.S., Ruthardt, B.B. 2023. Data quality control for stationary infrared thermometers viewing crops. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 39(4):427-438.
Evett, Steven R.; Marek, Gary W.; Copeland, Karen S.; Howell, Terry A. Sr.; Colaizzi, Paul D.; Brauer, David K.; et al. 2023. Agronomic Calendars for the Bushland, Texas Cotton Datasets. Ag Data Commons. Dataset.
Evett, Steven R.; Marek, Gary W.; Copeland, Karen S.; Howell, Terry A. Sr.; Colaizzi, Paul D.; Brauer, David K.; et al. 2023. Growth and Yield Data for the Bushland, Texas, Cotton Datasets. Ag Data Commons. Dataset.
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Evett, Steven R., Copeland, Karen S., Ruthardt, Brice B., Marek, Gary W., Colaizzi, Paul D., Howell, Terry A., Sr., Brauer, David K. 2023. The Bushland, Texas Soybean Datasets. Ag Data Commons.
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