Agriculture production today is very data sensitive and includes many tools with technologies that don’t all work well together. One Texas A&M …
Water conservation policy effectiveness depends on farmer economics
VERNON – Farming is a business, and the actions of farmers will be based on economics – even when it comes to water conservation, according to a …
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AgriLife Extension publications outline agriculture impact to Ogallala Aquifer
Six publications analyzing the water use of the crop and livestock industry in the Southern Ogallala Aquifer region have been completed by Texas …
Sen. Pat Roberts recognized as 2015 Friend of Agricultural Economics
The Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics and the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators on Sept. 28 recognized …
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Decline of Ogallala Aquifer tackled by multi-state group of researchers
The Ogallala Aquifer, stretching from South Dakota to Texas, covers 174,000 square miles, including 36,080 square miles in the Texas High Plains. In …
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Program is recognized with prestigious award
Through the years, the Ogallala Aquifer Program (OAP) has won several awards for its work on improving the sustainability of agricultural …
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Vegetable study targets water savings in the High Plains
Click here to read the article. Vegetable production is not new in the Texas High Plains, but it is being re-examined in a Texas A&M AgriLife …
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Research seeks early detection of wheat streak mosaic virus
As spring growth of wheat begins, Texas A&M AgriLife Research studies indicate now might be the time to determine possible wheat streak mosaic …
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Texas Tech Ogallala Aquifer Research Team Wins National USDA Award
The depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer has made headlines the past several years and has been a concern to many who live on the Southern Great Plains …
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Ogallala Aquifer Preservation Program Wins Big Award
The Ogallala Aquifer is life to the high plains. The depletion of that resource moved Kansas State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s …
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